Girl showing Invisalign and smile

How Does Invisalign Treatment Work?

Apr 01, 2024

In the past few years, Invisalign in Providence, RI has emerged as a discreet and efficient substitute for traditional braces in straightening teeth. We’re committed to providing exceptional dental care, including Invisalign treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of Invisalign treatment, from the initial consultation to the final results.

The Process of Getting Invisalign: From Consultation to Final Results

  • The process of achieving a straighter smile with Invisalign starts with your first consultation with the dentist. At this meeting, your dentist will assess your oral health, talk about your treatment objectives, and decide if Invisalign is the suitable choice for you. If Invisalign is deemed suitable, digital scans and 3D imaging will create a personalized treatment plan.
  • After finalizing your treatment plan, personalized aligners will be created to fit your teeth perfectly. These aligners are made of clear, comfortable plastic and are virtually invisible when worn. During your orthodontic journey, a sequence of distinct aligners will be provided to you, each designed to progressively move your teeth toward their correct alignment.
  • Scheduled check-ins with your dentist are part of the process to assess your advancement and tweak your treatment strategy as needed. By wearing your clear aligners as directed and attending your scheduled appointments, you can achieve your desired results within the designated timeframe.

The Role of Digital Technology in Creating Custom Invisalign Aligners

Digital technology is essential in crafting customized Invisalign aligners. Gone are the days of messy impressions and uncomfortable trays. With digital scans and 3D imaging, your dentist can obtain precise measurements of your teeth and gums, allowing for the creation of aligners that fit snugly and comfortably. The digital technology in the Invisalign process lets your dentist visualize your treatment plan in detail before it even begins. This allows for greater precision and accuracy in tooth movement, resulting in more predictable and efficient treatment outcomes.

How Often Do You Need to Change Your Invisalign Aligners?

A significant advantage of Invisalign is the flexibility to switch your aligners at home, reducing the need for frequent dentist visits. Normally, Invisalign in Providence, RI, is replaced every one to two weeks to accommodate the gradual shifting of your teeth. The frequency of aligner changes may vary depending on your specific treatment plan and your dentist’s recommendations. Factors such as the complexity of your case and the desired treatment outcomes may influence the duration of each aligner set.

The Importance of Wearing Aligners for the Recommended Amount of Time

Consistent wear of your Invisalign aligners is essential for achieving optimal results. To ensure effective teeth movement and teeth straightening, wearing your aligners for the recommended amount of time each day, usually around 20 to 22 hours, is essential. Removing your aligners only when necessary, such as for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing, helps maintain the integrity of your treatment plan and prevents delays in your progress. 

Adhering closely to the suggested schedule for wearing your device will safeguard the advancement of your treatment, guaranteeing the achievement of the best possible results.

Tips for Caring for Your Aligners and Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene During Treatment

Proper maintenance of your Invisalign trays is vital for achieving your treatment goals and ensuring the well-being of your teeth and gums. Here are some tips for caring for your aligners and maintaining good oral hygiene during treatment:

  • Frequent cleansing of your trays with a gentle brush and non-abrasive soap is key to avoiding bacterial growth and unpleasant smells.
  • Avoid drinking colored beverages like coffee or red wine while wearing your aligners to prevent staining.
  • Store your clear braces in their case when not in use to prevent loss or damage.
  • Ensure you brush and floss after eating to maintain oral hygiene before reinserting your aligners. This practice helps prevent food particles from getting trapped, reducing the risk of decay.
  • Continuing with your dental appointments for examinations and cleanings is important to keep your oral health in check throughout your Invisalign therapy.

By adhering to these recommendations and upholding excellent oral hygiene habits, you can optimize the effectiveness of your Invisalign treatment and realize the smile you’ve always wanted.


Invisalign treatment provides a discreet and convenient method for attaining a straighter smile at Drs. Rubinstein and Ducoff, we’re dedicated to making your journey as smooth and comfortable as possible. If you’re considering Invisalign, schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

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